We are always available to speak with you and address your concerns. Please feel free to contact us during the following hours through our office phone numbers or e-mail address. After hours, you may contact us through our answering service.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (extended evening hours for consultations)
Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Anderson Orthodontics - Suffolk Office
2490 Pruden Blvd.
Suffolk, VA 23434
Map & Directions
Phone: (757) 934-3000

Anderson Orthodontics - Franklin Office
Lakeview Medical Center
1301 Armory Dr.
Franklin, VA 23851
Map & Directions
Phone: (757) 934-3000
E-mail: info@anderson-orthodontics.com
In order to send e-mail to us directly from our website, you must be using Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express as your e-mail client. If you are using Internet-based e-mail (Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, etc.), you may still contact us by manually typing in our e-mail address: info@anderson-orthodontics.com. We look forward to hearing from you!